Hi, I 'm having problems when importing the articles , a web OJS users with version to
The errors are:
When importing users tells me the following “DB Error: Column ’ first_name ’ can not be null”
And for the articles:
There were one or more errors during import. Check that the format of the import file matches the specification. The details of the import errors are displayed .
Have you validated these XML files against the DTDs? For the users import, it would be plugins/importexport/users/users.dtd; for the articles/issues, it would be plugins/importexport/native/native.dtd.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Validating an XML file against a DTD is part of a standard toolset for working with XML files. Personally, I use xmllint, which is usually available on Linux/UNIX/MacOS platforms.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I followed these steps and have validated with a software validation and I’m OK .
But it still does not work and gives me the same error. My pegunta is this, that I must validate if the xml information I estraigo is an export tool and goes to another OJS OJS tool that matters.
Exporting does not give me any errors. The only mistake I indicated when importing text and is indicated in white background and black letters .
If you could send the xml. I’ve checked everything and I can not find the key. I urge quite the import of commodities and numbers ( the error that is the second I indicated ) . For users, if I have to create them by hand, nothing would happen . Thank you!
The problem with the issue import is that your issues are defaulting to identification="title" but you haven’t specified titles in your XML. You either need to include title child elements for your issue elements, or you need to specify another kind of identification as an attribute to the issue element. The specifics are described in the DTD.
I was able to import the articles.xml file without problems.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The DTD evolves slightly between releases; it’s not intended as a fixed standard, but as a tool for bringing in back-issue content. The DTD for 2.4.3 is slightly different than the one for 2.4.7-1. If you adjust the XML slightly to include the identification attribute suggested above, your issues will import.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The DTD specifies that <issue> elements should have an identification attribute:
The default for this is title, meaning that your issues are identified primarily by the title. So if you leave identification at its default, but don’t specify a title, you’ll run into errors.
One way around this would be to specify identification="vol" on your <issue> elements. This means your issues are identified primarily by volume.
If that doesn’t make sense, you might need to do some general reading about XML. See e.g.: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team