Images In HTML Galleys Not Displaying When QuickSubmitted

Working on debugging an issue I filed here a month or so ago. There is some video linked in the issue that demonstrates the problem as well as a clumsy workaround. In short, when using QuickSubmit to upload HTML galleys with dependent image files, the images end up broken. Manually ‘updating’ the galley files with the exact same source files will fix it, but only if one selects “this is not a revision.”

Today I replicated the problem anew in a test environment, looked at the submission HTML file and its dependent image file in the database, then fixed the problem via the workaround and re-examined the database. Here are the relevant rows from the submission_files table:

*************************** 7. row ***************************
       submission_file_id: 67
            submission_id: 23
                  file_id: 56
source_submission_file_id: NULL
                 genre_id: 1
               file_stage: 10
       direct_sales_price: NULL
               sales_type: NULL
                 viewable: NULL
               created_at: 2023-10-16 16:47:08
               updated_at: 2023-10-16 16:48:38
         uploader_user_id: 1
               assoc_type: 521
                 assoc_id: 18
*************************** 8. row ***************************
       submission_file_id: 68
            submission_id: 23
                  file_id: 57
source_submission_file_id: NULL
                 genre_id: 10
               file_stage: 17
       direct_sales_price: NULL
               sales_type: NULL
                 viewable: NULL
               created_at: 2023-10-16 16:47:23
               updated_at: 2023-10-16 16:47:36
         uploader_user_id: 1
               assoc_type: 515
                 assoc_id: 67
*************************** 9. row ***************************
       submission_file_id: 69
            submission_id: 23
                  file_id: 56
source_submission_file_id: 67
                 genre_id: 1
               file_stage: 2
       direct_sales_price: NULL
               sales_type: NULL
                 viewable: 1
               created_at: 2023-10-16 16:49:11
               updated_at: 2023-10-16 16:49:11
         uploader_user_id: 1
               assoc_type: 521
                 assoc_id: 18
*************************** 10. row ***************************
       submission_file_id: 70
            submission_id: 23
                  file_id: 58
source_submission_file_id: NULL
                 genre_id: 1
               file_stage: 10
       direct_sales_price: NULL
               sales_type: NULL
                 viewable: NULL
               created_at: 2023-10-16 19:06:06
               updated_at: 2023-10-16 19:06:37
         uploader_user_id: 1
               assoc_type: 521
                 assoc_id: 18
*************************** 11. row ***************************
       submission_file_id: 71
            submission_id: 23
                  file_id: 59
source_submission_file_id: NULL
                 genre_id: 10
               file_stage: 17
       direct_sales_price: NULL
               sales_type: NULL
                 viewable: NULL
               created_at: 2023-10-16 19:06:18
               updated_at: 2023-10-16 19:06:27
         uploader_user_id: 1
               assoc_type: 515
                 assoc_id: 70

row #7 - initial HTML file submission
row #8 - initial dependent JPG submission
row #9 - ?
row #10 - workaround HTML reupload
row #11 - workaround JPG repload

I’m not sure exactly what’s happening with row #9, but perhaps this is where things are going wrong.

QuickSubmit: v1.0.6.1 released 2023-02-03

Resolved via a plugin patch by @asmecher. Many thanks.

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