In file ,
$fieldOptions = Array(
these are assigned .I need to add more fields like OFR_FIRSTNAME =>‘first name’ .I tried this one but it show small problem.So please guide me where defined that ‘’ constant.
These constants reference the translatable strings from the locale files. For example, see the English (US) for:
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.settings.emailReminders">Email Reminders</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.settings.enableDueReminderBeforeDays1">Send authors a reminder email</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.settings.enableDueReminderBeforeDays2">day(s) before the review due date.</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.settings.enableDueReminderAfterDays1">Send authors a reminder email</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.settings.enableDueReminderAfterDays2">day(s) after the review due date.</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.settings.scheduledTasksDisabled"><![CDATA[<strong>Note:</strong> To activate these options, the site administrator must enable the <tt>scheduled_tasks</tt> option in the OJS configuration file. Additional server configuration may be required to support this functionality (which may not be possible on all servers), as indicated in the OJS documentation.]]></message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.settings.additionalInformation">Additional Information</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.settings.additionalInformationDescription">Additional information published along with the list of objects for review.</message>
<!-- Search, filter, sort -->
<message key="">Title</message>
<message key="">Abstract</message>
<message key="">No search results</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.filter.filterBy">Filter by</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.sort.sortBy">Sort by</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.sort.sortDirectionAsc">Ascending</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.sort.sortDirectionDesc">Descending</message>
<!-- Objects For Review -->
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.objectsForReview.pageTitle">Objects For Review</message>
<message key="plugins.generic.objectsForReview.objectsForReview.noneCreated">No objects for review</message>
So,Finally how i have to define constants?
If you want to use the translatable string for “First Name”, use: user.firstname
<message key="user.biography.description">(E.g., department and rank)</message>
<message key="user.changeMyPassword">Change My Password</message>
<message key="user.changePassword">Change Password</message>
<message key="user.dateLastLogin">Last login</message>
<message key="user.dateRegistered">Date registered</message>
<message key="user.editMyProfile">Edit My Profile</message>
<message key="">Email</message>
<message key="user.confirmEmail">Confirm Email</message>
<message key="user.fax">Fax</message>
<message key="user.feminine">F</message>
<message key="user.firstName">First Name</message>
<message key="user.gender">Gender</message>
<message key="user.initialsExample">Joan Alice Smith = JAS</message>
<message key="user.initials">Initials</message>
<message key="user.interests">Reviewing interests</message>
<message key="user.interests.description">(Separate interests by pressing the enter or comma key)</message>
<message key="user.gossip">Private Notes</message>
<message key="">User Group</message>
<message key="user.lastName">Last Name</message>
<message key="user.profile.form.profileImageInvalid">Invalid profile image format or image too big. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png, and the image must not exceed 150x150 pixels.</message>
<message key="user.profile.form.hashInvalid">The password reset hash you attempted to use is not valid.</message>
If you want to create an entirely new translatable key which doesn’t already exist in OJS, you would add another message
entry with a unique key
to the XML. Do this in the en_US file first (this forms the “reference” entry), and then translate it to the other locales as needed.
What will be the problem if i used in pkp/ojs/blob/ojs-dev-2_4/plugins/generic/objectsForReview/locale/en_US/locale.xml#L93
I’m not sure what you mean.
Can you explain with code examples?
March 1, 2016, 5:32pm
Hello @ctgraham ,
I know it’s a bit off topic, but to whom and where do we send finished translations for review?
@ramon , your post here is a good start:
Hello all,
I don’t and can’t use Github at work, so I’d like to know how and to whom should we submit a translation for review and inclusion nowadays… I’m not sure PKP Forum/Discourse will accept this link…
March 1, 2016, 6:42pm
Hello @ctgraham ,
Thanks… There used to be a “translators” install available whenever a new version was about to be launched… why has this changed?? Or I just don’t know where that is anymore?
I’m not an “official” translator anymore, but I’m currently the executive editor and responsible for maintaining our journal. Thought I could help again…
@ramon , this would be better followed up on the other thread.