I have make the subdomain and add the folder name FBS but i donot know when i will add the folder path they will not install

kindly suggest me i will solve it as soon as possible

Hi @Arsalan_Ali,

I’ve deleted your other post; please just post each question once to help keep the forum organized.

I can see two problems here:

  • You’re attempting to put the files directory inside your web root (public_html). OJS won’t stop you from installing this way, but it is dangerous and will get you hacked! As noted above the form field, this directory should not be directly web-accessible. I think you should be safe to create a directory called /home/u116338554/domains/csprd.org/ojs_files and use that instead.
  • OJS is giving you an error message either because the directory you’ve indicated doesn’t exist, or because OJS doesn’t have permission to work with it. I don’t know how your server is configured so I can’t give you specific instructions on how to set file permissions; you might want to look through your host’s knowledge base for information.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team