I can not get a portal page of multiple journals

I have installed OJS 3.0.2 as a portal e.g., (https://journals.universityx.org) and inside I want to create two journals. I created the first journal e.g., (https://journals.universityx.org/index.php/journal1). The problem is I have no more portal page. I mean I can not get the portal page that shows the available journals. When I try to access https://journals.universityx.org in the browser, I am directed to https://journals.universityx.org/index.php/journal1. Before installing the journal, the portal Site Adminstration has no “Site Setting”, only "Hosted Journals. Is the installation incorrect? any help, pls?

Ok, It seems that the portal page will not be active unless two or more journals are published. I created two journals and I can see the portal page active.

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