I don’t have any configuration to use cover image. in my last version i don’t use this option. How do the configuration for this?
Hi @joannauabc,
I would strongly suggest upgrading to the latest release (currently OJS 3.0.2). There were numerous changes in the publication front-end since then.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you …I want to do the update today just one more question, the cover images is setup or I need to edit my templates.
Because i want configure my Journal like http://journals.sfu.ca/present3/index.php/geog600 the configuration of the views the images is that i want
Hi @joannauabc,
That installation uses OJS 3.0.2, without any modifications as far as I’m aware. Start by upgrading and see if that resolves the issue.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I can not find the way to configure the cover images, I do not know if it is some theme that I have not installed yet. I only have 3 themes
Hi @joannauabc,
Did you manage to upgrade to OJS 3.0.2?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes … I have version 3.0.2
I would like to have a manual or how to configure cover images … why never configure them in previous versions
Hi @joannauabc,
The journal you linked uses both article and issue cover images; these are uploaded in the article and issue metadata areas, respectively, not the setup page you included in your screenshot.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you very much … With that I solved my doubt