When a user logs in as a Reviewer and to review submissions, they can see the Title, Conference Track and Abstract, but not the Submission (Session) Type. Is there a way to unveil that information to Reviewers, they need to know what the abstract is being submitted to.
Hi Alec, I’m using Open Conference Systems
Hi @hunab,
Have you checked to see whether that appears on the reviewer’s review page? Glancing at the code, it appears to already be shown to reviewers.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
it doesn’t show on the Reviewers review page unfortunately, only the Title, the Track, and the Abstract. any ideas?
Hi Alec, any further thoughts on how I can get the submission type to appear for reviewers? We have a review in process and everyone is emailing me to ask this! Thanks very much for your consideration.
Hi @hunab,
Try applying one of the patches at Fix reviewer display of session type · Issue #1100 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub – they’re both equivalent.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec, will give that a try.
Hello Alec
I have a close issue to solve : I’d like to inform authors about the director decision on chosen submission types (The one that are are customized through the conference set up/ submissions).
I think this information could be reported in the “director decision” block in the submission summary
Could you please give me clues about the way to proceed ?
Thanks again for your support.
Hi @ruegama,
I’m not confident I know what you’re looking to do, but the code that’s used to generate and send the director’s decision emails to the author is in classes/submission/trackDirector/TrackDirectorAction.inc.php
in the emailDirectorDecisionComment
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team