August 19, 2020, 9:30am
in OJS 2.x we can set the statistics and show it to the reader like this image
is it possible for OJS 3.x to show(make it public access) the statistics or report for readers
August 19, 2020, 10:43am
Hi @kbh ,
Yes, we’d love to offer this in the future. This is listed as a major feature in our roadmap (under the Statistics category). We have a more detailed issue filed which outlines some of the different use-cases for public statistics.
opened 10:36AM - 02 Mar 20 UTC
Major Feature
**Describe the problem you would like to solve**
Journals want some way to shar… e their usage stats and editorial stats. There are several different kinds of sharing or public stats that may be requested:
- An always-available public URL with rolling up-to-date stats on some thing (eg - last 6 months X).
- A one-off public URL with the stats on some thing _as they are at the time the report is generated_ (eg - our average response time as generated on 21 Jan 2018).
- Same as the last, but in some kind of printable (eg - PDF or HTML print view) or easily distributable form (eg - charts rendered as images) for grant applications or other third-party uses.
- The ability to share (but not make public) one-off reports with a single user or user group to whom it is not normally available.
- The ability to share one-off reports with someone who is not registered with the journal (eg - Google Docs' shareable links for otherwise private documents).
**Describe the solution you'd like**
Each of these probably requires a separate implementation.
**Who is asking for this feature?**
Split from a discussion in [this issue](https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues/3365#issuecomment-365344412).
If you think there’s anything we’re missing in that issue description please feel free to comment there or follow-up here.
We don’t have this work scheduled at the moment, which means we don’t expect it to be available in the near future. But we certainly would like to provide it when we can get to it.
August 19, 2020, 10:45am
Sorry, I see now that you were referring to the editorial statistics, rather than the article usage statistics. For that, the better issue to read about is where we talk about displaying indicators of journal integrity:
opened 08:24AM - 25 Jun 20 UTC
Major Feature
A [comment](https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues/5980#issuecomment-649026346) f… rom @willinksy on https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues/5980.
> I agree with James and Mike on this being such a great addition for managing journals. I'd also like to consider whether it could be a part of our "journal integrity" initiative, which is intended to help journals do more to establish for authors, researcher-readers, and the public the steps they've taken to publish to the highest academic standards in preserving the journal's integrity as a source of knowledge.
>In the case of this new Distribution feature, for each service and tool that a journal was operating (if not always complete), OJS could provide a tastefully designed "Journal Services" box on the journal's homepage (perhaps as an option for each service or as a whole), which would include a list with a text along these lines, "[title of journal] distributes article and journal data to the following scholarly publishing services: DOAJ, CrossRef, ORCID, PKP Preservation Network, PKP Beacon, Google Scholar..." (with hyperlinks to each).
> Now I realize that there is not going to ever be a fool-proof integrity indicator. Yet part of this effort is for us to take more of a lead with OJS in demonstrating to the public what journals do in their efforts to maintain high academic standards. A big step in that direction might be achieved, I want to believe, by three steps: Displaying these services on the journal's homepage, in addition to providing on article landing pages the peer-review dates and reviewer numbers (with content optionally dependent on authors and reviewers), as well as displaying ORCIDs for all editors and editorial board members (by having an optional "board" generator to which journal managers can add users with ORICIDs for display under About).
This is also filed in our roadmap and is work that we’d like to move forward on if we can find funding to do so.
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