I want to schedule a time interval for new submission, How I will do. As like for a journal new submission will stay activated from 10th November 2023 to 10th January 2024, how it will can configure?
Hi @Abhiek,
I’m sorry, but I don’t quite understand what you’re asking here? Are you looking to schedule a submission for a particular issue? Additionally, which specific version of OJS are you using (e.g. 3.3.0-15) - in the future, please include this in your posts as it assists others on the forum with helping you troubleshoot.
Best regards,
PKP Team
In the workflow there is an option to disable new paper submission. Can I disable it for a particular time ( as like November 2023 to January 2024), after that it will be automatically activated, and author can submit new paper. I am using OJS
Hi @Abhiek,
No - it doesn’t work on a time-limited basis. But you could disable it, make a note to yourself to re-enable it at a later date and do it that way, but there isn’t a way to associate a time with disabling submissions in OJS.
PKP Team
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