I need to review the changes made by a user of a Journals. The user has the role of “Journal Managers” and I know that changes made in the “About”
There is a table where you keep data such as day logged and updated Management Pages
Help me
I need to review the changes made by a user of a Journals. The user has the role of “Journal Managers” and I know that changes made in the “About”
There is a table where you keep data such as day logged and updated Management Pages
Help me
The items in the “About” page of the journal are generally managed by the Journal Setup. There is nothing internal to OJS 2.x which records changes made by a Journal Manager to the Journal Setup.
If you have daily backups of the database, you could look at prior backups to see what the raw data was previously. but this wouldn’t be specific to only one user.
Muchísimas gracias
I have a related need. Instead of looking for a particular recent edit, I need a way to monitor changes to the fields made through “journal setup” in general. I’m particularly concerned about changes to the Copyright Notice field when the journal is configured to “Require authors to agree to Copyright Notice as part of the submission process”.
I ask because, in order to offer OJS hosting at my institution, I would like to have a record of what rights an author agreed to at the time of submission – as a record to use in case there’s a dispute. This would allow us to avoid having authors sign agreements and then have the institution collect those before allowing articles to be published.
If past versions aren’t saved in the database, I could make do if we could engineer a way to be notified of any change to the text of this field. That way we could save a snapshot of it whenever it’s updated.
Hi @kshawkin,
The Freie Universität Berlin has been working on a metadata versioning addition for some time – @lilients could probably comment. We’re reviewing the code closely, as it’s a big addition with a lot of effects on the system. (All thanks and apologies for the slow progress on this from me to Freie Universität!) Also tagging @bozana, who has worked with that code.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
If I understand it correctly, this is not a question for article versioning, but for journal setup fields, right? Those are not versioned i.e. they will just be replaced.
Also, the versioning Freie Universität Berlin is working on is the versioning of published articles – the versioning of article files and metadata after an article is published.
Yes, I was asking about the versions of data in the journal setup fields, not versions of articles themselves.
It seems to me the core problem here is that the copyright metadata is currently applied to the article at the time of publication, and not at the time of submission. Since time could pass between the author’s agreement and the actual publication, a journal manager could change the journal level copyright setting without the author’s approval.
If the copyright metadata was applied at the time of submission (and thus reflected the author’s agreement), would this resolve your issue?
It would leave open the possibility of an Editor changing the metadata manually, but that might be covered by versioning of the article.