When I create ads using the Ad Block Manager (Custom Block) tool, I get theme based add-ons added to the content in the block. How can I turn that off and keep the theme in place? Thank you.
Example: www.opioidmanagement.com on the right are two ad blocks (one for ICOO and one for INRC) and we want the green bands top and bottom to go away.
As a followon, how can I get the graphics to automatically scale to size? Note these are set to 250 wide and when the browser window is reduced, the graphic grows out the side of the ad block unit.
Holy cow, that works nice. WHY does it work? Is there documentation that would be helpful in learing this stuff?
Thank you Enzo!
Richard A. DeVito Jr.
Weston Medical Publishing, LLC, 470 Boston Post Road, Suite 301, Weston, MA 02493 USA radjr@pnpco.com - 781-899-2702 ext. 107 - 781-899-4900 fax
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