How to make a blind review when the author is also the journal editor

Is it possible to make a blind review if, when using the whole workflow in OJS, the author is also the journal editor? Can you prevent the journal editor from seeing who is reviewing his or her own article?
Niels Erik

This situation has just arisen for our journal as well, which uses Blind reviews. The Journal Editor is a contributing author (not the primary author) on a paper. As of now, I’ve tried removing the “Section Editor” role for the Editor from the Participants block, but he is still able to access the editorial workflow. I would expect the Editor to not have permissions to view the editorial workflow in this case. Any suggestions on how to handle this would be much appreciated.

Hi All

Any suggestions on whether this is possible at all? FYI, I’m running OJS v3.1.2.



Hi @reagan,

Some major improvements have been made to OJS in this regard since OJS 3.1.2 was released – I’d recommend upgrading.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

@asmecher - Thanks a lot for your response. That’s very encouraging to hear. We’re all set and ready to upgrade as soon as a few Pitt ULS maintained plugins we use (maintained by @ctgraham) are available for v3.2. I’ll post back as soon as we upgrade and are able to check this out.