How to list journals alphabetically in OJS3?
Hi @Karthik_K
I think the only way is to reorder them manually as admin
under Administration > Hosted Journals > Order
Hello community:
I have a similar question. It’s a little specific.
Where is the SQL query that returns the list of $journals?
I want change ORDER BY in jornaul title , similar ORDER BY journal_title ASC so that I return the list in ascending alphabetical order.
By default ojs, it returns it in the creation order. I want to change that but not manually (one by one) from Administration > Hosted Journals > Order because it is very impractical.
It’s here
But note that the getAll is probably used in other places as well.
I agree that on the front page it would make more sense if the titles would be in alphabetical order. We basically manually reorder the journals every time a new journal is added.
thanks. I sloved.
Add function getAll2
* Retrieve journals en orden alfabetico.
* @param $enabledOnly true iff only enabled contexts should be included
* @param $rangeInfo Object optional
* @return DAOResultFactory containing matching Contexts
function getAll2($enabledOnly = false, $rangeInfo = null) {
$result = $this->retrieveRange(
'SELECT journals.journal_id,journals.path,journals.seq,journals.primary_locale,journals.enabled FROM journals,journal_settings WHERE journals.journal_id=journal_settings.journal_id AND journals.enabled = \'1\' AND journal_settings.setting_name=\'name\' GROUP BY journals.journal_id,journal_settings.setting_value ORDER BY journal_settings.setting_value;',
return new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_fromRow');
and modify
file pages/index/
$journals = $journalDao->getAll2(true, $rangeInfo);
$templateMgr->assign('journals', $journals);
You could probably add the custom function to a theme plugin and call it from a custom template. This way you would not have to modify the core.