How to install a new local theme?

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Im reading the documentation to learn how to create and modify a new theme (may be a subtheme).
But I cant find how to install in the administration of the site the new theme.
Already I know there is the section of plugins and the Plugin Gallery section to seach for a new theme.

But I think the new themes to install are aprroved themes?

What I want is to install a theme created by me with files of theme in:


Hi @Koffer,

Could you please indicate which version of the software you’re working from (e.g. 3.3.0-15)? In the future, please include this in your posts, as it assists others in addressing your question here on the forum.

PKP Team

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Hi, Im using the version. Are there many differences between versions in 3 ?

Hi @Koffer,

Thanks for noting that. Yes - there can be significant differences between versions of 3, particular the versions 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4. I’ll see if one of our developers can assist with the theming configuration questions when they have the opportunity.

PKP Team

I found the solution. there is a button to upload a new theme, but say: upload a new plugin.
I just upload a zip files then I can install the theme.

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