How to insert hyperlinking anchors throughout an OJS 3.1.2 site (system links inclusive)?

Indeed. It looks like even the non-hierarchical pages get breadcrumbs. Thanks for pointing that out.

To add breadcrumbs into the Custom Navigation Menu Items, you would modify or override this template (within lib/pkp):

Given that most other public facing pages have breadcrumbs, this might be a good thing to pull request back into the core code.

Similarly, the template for Static Pages is here (within plugins/generic/staticPages):

Almost certainly the generic breadcrumb template, which you identified earlier, would be the most appropriate for these, but you would use the currentTitle parameter, rather than currentTitleKey:

{include file="frontend/components/breadcrumbs.tpl" currentTitle="$title"}

Conveniently, the variable $title is used for the translated page title in each calling template.

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