Hi there.
My OJS is in two languages - polish and english.
But unfortunately earlier I’ve installed 3rd language - German (for testing purpose).
I’ve deinstalled the German language, but now I still have 3 fields (Polish+English and German) when I must fill form fields. How can I delete the 3rd language field, and leave only 2 fields (english and polish)?
I had the same issue. I erroneously installed OJS with fr_FR locale (= French French!) which was available in 2.4.X before upgrade, but not yet for OJS 3.0. Later, I shifted to fr_CA (Canadian French), in addition to en_US
I did check Settings–>Web-site–>Languages, where I was able to get rid of the void fr_FR locale.
Now I see only en_US and fr_CA in my settings dashboard,
but I still get three fields wherever else I go.
Is it possible that since some fields related to the void fr_FR locale are containing data somewhere in my configurations, the field still shows up everywhere else?
Not a big issue, but quite annoying.
Any hint?
Try temporarily re-adding fr_FR to registry/locales.xml; see if that re-introduces options to the Languages form that you can disable. Then, if that resolves the issue, re-remove fr_FR from registry/locales.xml.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thank you for responding.
I tried this. I added the line <locale key="fr_FR" complete="true" name="Français (France)" iso639-2b="fre" iso639-3="fra" />
to the registry/locales.xml file
Nothing changed in th available languages in my Dashboard > Settings > Website > Language
I could however see fr_FR from the list of available locales in install locale. Selected and saved. Said all new locales were installed. Nothing changed.
I restored the registry/locales.xml as it was (erasing the above line). Nothing changed. But I can still see fr_FR from the list of available locales in install locale…
In the Administration interface, can you try re-adding the fr_FR locale? I suspect that’ll cause the locale to display in the journal’s Languages page, and once it does, you can disable it there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@asmecher, Here is how my Administration interface looks like, there is nowhere where I can re-add the fr_FR locale, unless I go to my config.inc.php… should I?
Ah – I assumed you were in a multi-journal environment. When you’re working with a single journal, the site-wide and journal-specific options should be presented together on the journal’s “Languages” form.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I think issue is related to something else. I have the same situation. I’m adding second locale for testing. Now when I’ve removed it, I do not have it in the list of languages, but it still prompts on the forms.
I thought about the settings in the database. I found that “journal_settings” table have three entries that sound similiar supportedFormLocales, supportedLocales, supportedSubmissionLocales, AND…
…only one of them is changing when I add/remove language - “supportedLocales”.
When I manually changed two others “supportedFormLocales”, “supportedSubmissionLocales”
and “Clear Data Caches” on Site Administration page, everything start working fine.
I’ve created an issue and posted some pull requests to fix this. It’ll be included in the next release.
Meanwhile, you can resolve the data issue as you’ve done in the database, or by re-installing the locale you removed, disabling the checkboxes for it, then removing it again.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team