We are using OJS
On our website there are many fake users registered.
As a journal manager I do not have administrator permissions. So I do not have access to the database.
I want to delete lots of fake users. Is there a possibility to merge multiple fake users? I do not see the checkboxes at the list of users. Where can I find these checkboxes? In older versions of OJS they were available. I do not like to merge them one by one.
No, it’s not possible to merge many users at once. Typically, the way that we do it at PKP|PS is that we get a list of the user names of the users we wish to remove, and create a quick shell script that calls the mergeUsers.php CLI tool that comes with OJS repeatedly until they are all merged and removed.
Is the solution you are proposing available for me in my role as a journal manager, or can this only be done by the administrator of our journal? I referred to the older versions of OJS because there I could merge multiple users by using the check boxes in front of the user names.
In OJS 3.x, the user interface currently only allows a single user selection. The command-line tool does support multiple users, but does require command line access.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for your advice.
It would be nice to have the multiple user selection function back in a future update of OJS. This, in combination with a possibility to see the date of registration of a user in the userlist, would make it easier to control on a regular basis if there are new fake users.