How to enable a shortcut named Config from the User Page menu?

I have a portal with more than one journal. The version is When I connect by using my Portal Admin account, and I click on the User Page menu, the OJS shows a page called My Journals including the list configured in the portal. My user has the role of manager for all journals inside that portal. In that list, at right sometimes it shows a shortcut link to a page “index.php/XXXXX/manager/setup/1” where “XXXXX” it’s the alias name of my journal. But, for some reason (or maybe bug), not all journals has this shortcut available. I tried to remove my role and add again, but it didn’t work. Does anybody can help me to understand the behavior for that shortcut? I’m being asked to allow it for all journals…


Hi @sergiobm,

In OJS 2.4.8, the link is only shown if OJS considers the setup to be “incomplete”. You can remove that condition by editing templates/user/index.tpl:

<td align="right">{if $setupIncomplete.$journalId}[<a href="{url journal=$journalPath page="manager" op="setup" path="1"}">{translate key="manager.setup"}</a>]{/if}</td>

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team