how can I edit the look (stylesheet) of my journal website?
for example : how can I make my website (http://jkaumedsci.sa/) like this (The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning)?
how can I edit the look (stylesheet) of my journal website?
for example : how can I make my website (http://jkaumedsci.sa/) like this (The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning)?
Hi @john1,
You appear to be using OJS 2.4.8-1. (Please include this when you post a question.)
Users who customize their journal appearances typically write their own CSS stylesheets, or use one of several third-party themes (see this forum thread). More involved customizations can involve template modifications. For the most part, you’ll need to know some CSS/HTML.
You could consider contacting the host of that journal to see if they’re willing to share modifications/stylesheets.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
so I need to talk to the host the access the website files , right?
how to I know the OJS version ?
Hi @john1,
To make CSS changes, you can upload a CSS file to Journal Setup, step 5. No need to access the website files unless you want to make template changes. In that case, read the Smarty documentation for information on how templates work.
See e.g. this post for information on determining your OJS version.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I would like to add some html tags (that requires accessing the website files and editing the template ) right?
sorry for asking too many questions
and Thanks
Yes, you’ll need access to the application files to modify HTML output.