How to customize issue view page in OJS3


How to customize OJS3 issue view page from fullwidth page into header,sidebar,issue content and footer.

Please help me.

Thank you.Untitled

Hi @Sakthi,

You mean to have view page as on the picture above? You need XML JATS version of an article and then using Settings eLife Lens Article Viewer plugin to show it.

Regards, Primož

HI @primozs

The above mentioned image page is loading for me as well good but i need to customize this page with header,sidebar and footer.

Hi @Sakthi,

Oh, I see now. Actually there is no ‘OJS way’ of customisation this page. You have to get into the code for the plugin/lens viewer.

Regards, Primož

Hi @primozs

Okey, where i can find the file for customize this plugin view page…

Another one query is i can’t install the JatsParserPlugin


  • PHP 7.1 or higher
  • OJS theme with Bootstrap 4. If the theme doesn’t utilize this library, it must be added alongside with jQuery from the plugin main class (it is quite straightforward). JATS Parser Plugin is tested with HealthSciences, Classic, and oldGreggthemes
  • OJS 3.1+
  • Lens Galley Plugin must be turned off

These all things i did but still it’s not installing.
Please help me …

Hi @Sakthi

Can you look at the PHP log and say what errors do you see while accessing XML galley page with JATS Parser Plugin turned on?

Its give 500 error while installing JATS Parser Plugin


JATS Parser is not converting XML file to HTML view .( * Lens Galley Plugin must be turned off)

Instead of that the XML file directly getting download.

how to fix the problem.

This means that plugin isn’t initiated. Can you double check if it is activated for the specific journal and that plugin lies inside plugins/generic folder?

I checked the jatsParser plugin available in generic folder and it’s actived in setting also…


Do you have any css or js file to customize to this page with header and footer

Hi @Sakthi,

No, there is no such way to customize that page.

Regards, Primož


What is the way to customize OJS as like above mentioned question.

Please help me.

Hi @Sakthi

If after click JATS XML is simply downloading (and it worked normally with Lens Viewer), this means that plugin isn’t initiated. On the top of my head there are 2 possibilities: either plugin isn’t installed properly (or isn’t activated for specific journal) or Lens Viewer isn’t disabled. If you have an access to the database, you can check the latter by running a query:
SELECT * FROM plugin_settings WHERE plugin_name='lensgalleyplugin'
The results can be: no match → plugin is removed from the system; match → in this case look at the settings_name enabled, it should be 0. Also you can check context_id, it should correspond to the journal id that you are using.