How to create custom controller?

I have added one link, when i click on its redirect to custom controller. In custom controller, some process for third party module. After process done its redirect to same page.Is it possible? I have checked it but not found any solution. I am working in OJS

Hello @nil108,

I’m not sure what you mean by “custom controller” - can you elaborate? From the sounds of what you describe that you are trying to accomplish, perhaps you are trying to create a plugin? If so, you may wish to see our Plugin documentation: Plugin Guide for OJS and OMP

Best regards,

Public Knowledge Project Staff

Hello @rcgillis

I have checked plugin. I have added one Link (a href ) in admin. When i click on link, Csv or pdf generate. So is it possible to with plugin? How i can call plugin’s functions using link?

Hello @nil108,

I’m not clear on what you’re trying to do here - can you clarify? Where are you clicking to generate the CSV or PDF? Are you using an existing plugin. Perhaps could you provide a screenshot indicating the error that you are seeing?

Best regards,


Hello @rcgillis
Let me explain.
I want add button in Production tab’s sidebar below “Schedule For Publication” button. When click on new button. Pdf generate with Submission’s name.
So I have checked some plugin but not find solution for it.
can you please give me example of any plugin which extend this workflow?