Hello everyone,
I was recently hired and I am in charge of the organization of a conference, for which the Open Conference System is used. The website has been created way before my arrival and I am therefore not so familiar with what has been made before : as the website has already been used several years (my university organizes yearly such a conference) and partly administred by some “noob” (ie non computer-scientists - which is also my case), some unorthodox methods and so on might have been used.
Now you know the general situation, here is my question : how do I create a new prepared email, and, most importantly, connect it to the right “place” ? What I mean is I am trying to create some new emails for accepting / declining / accepting subject to some major changes / accepting with suggestions, and of course to connect them to the proper “action”.
At first I thought I could simply change the content of the previous prepared emails, that were sent last year for instance. However, I noticed that the person who was in charge of this task before me created new ones every year. So I tried myself to create new ones and naming them with the templates’ names that I thought could fit, but it doesn’t work. I read the documentation but it doesn’t say much about prepared email. Any idea about what I should do ?
I apologize for my poor English added to my noob language… It’s really the first time I’m in charge of a website and I am really stucked on this. I hope my question is still understandable… I can of course give some further details if needed. Thanks in advance !