How to Cite plugin error in DOI and date

Our How to Cite plugin is set to only display APA on this journal:
However, it is displaying an DOI URL with an additional https://doi prefix, e.g:

Opiniano, J. (2017, October 17). A two-nation Asian phenomenological study: Roles and purposes of graduate journalism education through the lens of global journalism. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 23(2), 26-50.

It is also displaying the full publication date for the article and not just the year (which is correct APA style)

Using OJS version on this journal.

how to cite prob

Hi @LuqmanH,

Thanks for pointing out these errors in the APA citations generated by the Citation Style Language plugin (which creates the How to Cite box). The citation styles come from a third-party library, but in the case of both the DOI URL and the date they are errors in how our code is displaying the citation data. We flagged an issue for it and will get it fixed for OJS 3.1.1. The only way to modify the citations in the meantime is to edit the code. If you’d like to do this let me know and I’ll provide some guidance.

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hello, how to fix the code


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The fix for the DOI prefix can be found here: pkp/pkp-lib#3212 Pass raw DOI to citationStyleLanguage by NateWr · Pull Request #1767 · pkp/ojs · GitHub


Thank you very much!

Thanks @astevens I’ll get my colleague to edit the code when he’s back from holiday. Happy New Year!

Happy new year to you too!

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Hi @astevens
Further to this, do you have an idea of when OJS 3.1.1 will be released?

Hi @LuqmanH,

We expect OJS 3.1.1 will be released within a month.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Great. Thanks @asmecher Do you have a release date for 3.2?

Hi @LuqmanH,

That’s very tentative, but we’re targeting late this year.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team