OJS version: 2.4.8
I have some 800 artciles whose metadata have been uploaded to Crossref
Articles run from 2002 todate.
The university in charge of this journal assigned DOIs to individual articles prior to uploading the whole batch. They started from an Excel spreadsheet and assigned DOIs to each entry. Then uploaded the articles’ metadata to Crossref.
No DOI number have yet been included in the OJS articles (only into pdfs, by running a script)
Now they wish to display each article’s DOI into each article entry.
How could I insert DOI into each individual published article’s metadata in OJS?
To assign DOI, even existing ones, you should follow instructions as follow from this thread:
Configuration of the DOI plug-in is done though this path:
→ System Plugins → Public Identifier Plugins → DOI plug-in → Settings.
Wil be necessary paying attention to your DOI pattern or your “mask” DOI. You will need/have to copy such pattern to be applied in those articles metadata.