Description of issue or problem I’m having:
I am currently using OJS I have many journals in my OJS and each journal has different journal managers to manage the journal.
When a user already exist in another journal - could be a author, a journal manager from another journal can’t register the existing user (the author that already exist in another journal) into their journal for any roles. It says not enough permission.
Steps I took leading up to the issue:
I am not sure how to solve this issue. Usually i use the super administrator which I have created in OJS v2, to register for that journal.
What I tried to resolve the issue:
Application Version - e.g., OJS 3.1.2:
Additional information, such as screenshots and error log messages if applicable:
Hi, Thanks for the reply. when a journal manager try to register an author form other journal into their journal, a pop up will say not enough permission. Other than that, there is no other error.
Hmm… can you post a screenshot of how this error appears (please blur out any relevant user details)? Does it appear when you click “Edit User” and then select a role for the user?
I’ve done a little more digging, and apparently this is an outstanding issue, that is described in this post: Not sufficient permissions to administer user enrolled in several journals - there are also several links in there, including one to an open issue that will attempt to resolve this issue. A work around might be for the user to have two accounts - one for each journal on the account - not ideal, I know, but it still might help to address the issue in the short term if you need the user to carry out certain tasks in OJS.