My editors would like to see if they are waiting for revisions/resubmissions from the dashboard without needing to enter each paper individually.
The author’s queue has a notice but I can’t find the place in the code where that is triggered for them but not the editor.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Hi @Stephen_Ward,
The dashboard varies in its capabilities according to the version of OJS you’re using - can you clarify which version you’re using?
I’m on I will probably update at some stage but I have a lot of manual modifications to collate and test first.
Hi @Stephen_Ward,
You could potentially try using the filters (click on Filters - select “Review” and from stages select “Review” - this might help you get at some of those items more easily, although it might not be exactly what you’re looking for? OJS 3.3 has added some improvements to submission filters. You can see an overview of that here: - but as you said, you’re not quite ready to upgrade in order to take into account your manual customizations (which is very wise).