How to add new search types

(pkp ojs)
Our magazines contain articles in different languages. Necessary implement the ability to choose the articles from all editions in a particular language. Alternatively, to add to the search a new field “language”.
I will be grateful for any help or hint.

Hi @Vlad,

Are you talking only about the search form? Or about the interface in general?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi, asmecher. Sorry for the long silence.
It is about search form. Need to add possibility to find articles on its language. Just add additional search criteria.

Hi @Vlad,

Currently that would require a modification to the system. If you’re handy with PHP/MySQL, I’d suggest starting by looking at…

  • templates/search/search.tpl
  • pages/search/

These will lead you into the search back-end, which is implemented in classes/search.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I have a very basic knowledge of php & mysql (I am - a librarian). But I will try to understand. Thank you, asmecher, for an attempt to help. It is unfortunate that there is no ready-made solution.

hi @asmecher,

I support @Vlad ’s question for an additional search criteria. Will it be included in OJS3 or is there a patch for OJS 2.4.8?

Hi @lcbossert

Nothing like this planed in the near future…
