We have a few submission missing co-authors (simply because the authors who submitted the papers didn’t see the “add authors” button). When the reviewers/ editors found this problems, it was too late. Is it possible to add other co-author in the reviewing or editing stages?
Are you asking about Open Journal Systems (OJS), or another PKP software?
If this is about OJS, please try these steps (OJS 2.4.x):
Use your editor role to find and open the Summary View of the submission.
Scroll down until you see Submission Metadata. Click Edit Metadata underneath that heading.
The first subheading you see is Authors. Underneath the last field (Bio statement), there is a button labeled Add Author. Click there, enter the new authors details and then click Save Metadataat page bottom.
Step 3 can be repeated for every author you would like to add. The button will slide down underneath the last author in the listing.