We have 14 active and 3 archived journals and are running OJS Currently we use Global LOCKSS and are considering whether or not to implement PKP LOCKSS. I understand LOCKSS on a theoretical basis but not the nuts and bolts (and I’m still not a tech expert), so I’m hoping someone can answer a few questions/confirm my understanding.
First, is it possible to run both Global LOCKSS and PKP LOCKSS at the same time? Could they both be run on the same journal? Could journal A use Global LOCKSS and journal B use PKP LOCKSS within the same installation?
Second, I have read that with PKP LOCKSS, content is automatically harvested when a new issue is published, so no human intervention is required, right? And the PLN harvests metadata plus galley content (PDFs, HTML, images–anything else? All other content files?) I’m sure it varies but is there some range for how long it takes harvested content to be processed?
Finally, a scenario (all too true, I’m afraid). Our OJS server was compromised and had to come down for a few days while a new one was built and content cleaned and moved over. We are trying to imagine what would have happened if we were using PKP LOCKSS.
From what I’ve read it sounds as though an outage would not automatically trigger access to journal content; but we would have to notify PKP LOCKSS of the outage and request … what? (It sounds as though we would make a request and someone would find the content and set it up on another server?) What else would we need to do? How quickly would we have public access to the content? And what would it look like to the public? (Obviously we are concerned with access as much as preservation, which may not be the same priority with the service.)
Thanks! Let me know if something isn’t clear.