How do we delete hacker user accounts

Hi @geirrosset,

There’s a tools/mergeUsers.php command-line tool that you can use for batch merging. You can get e.g. a list of usernames or user IDs from the database, then specify them on the command line to get rid of the accounts. From the tool’s usage:

Use this tool to merge two or more user accounts.

Usage: tools/mergeUsers.php targetUsername mergeUsername1 [mergeUsername2] [...]
targetUsername: The target username for assets to be transferred to.
mergeUsername1: The username for the account to be merged. All assets (e.g.
                submissions) associated with this user account will be
                transferred to the user account that corresponds to
                targetUsername. The user account that corresponds
                to mergeUsername1 will be deleted.

Multiple users to merge can be specified in the same command, e.g.:

tools/mergeUsers.php myUsername spamUser1 spamUser2 spamUser3

This will merge users with username "spamUser1", "spamUser2", and
"spamUser3" into the account with username "myUsername".

Users can be specified by ID by entering usernames of the form "id=x"
with the user ID in place of "x", e.g.:

tools/mergeUsers.php myUsername id=234 id=456

Usernames and IDs may be mixed as desired.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team