I have a journal editor who wants to do submissions by email only, and doesn’t want to receive the automated notifications about new submissions to the journal site. Is there any way to remove the “Make a Submission” link from the top of the “Submissions” page (see screencap below)? I’ve managed to remove the button on the main page and on the Author Instructions, but this one seems to be built into the template. Do I just need to hide the “Submissions” page altogether and put the Author guidelines somewhere else on the site?
Hi John,
we have the same problem in some of our journals. First of all, you should switch of user registration completely, if you haven’t done so (via “Users & Roles” → “Site Access Options” → “The Journal Manager will register all user accounts. Editors or Section Editors may register user accounts for reviewers”)
However, this wouldn’t change the message. Only when you have checked the checkbox “Items can only be submitted by Editors and Section Editors.” in ALL sections of your journal the message will say “This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.”
But this text is also not correct of course, because submissions can be sent via e-mail.
So, in some of our journals we have created new submission pages via Settings → Website → Navigation menus. This is always a bit tricky, because you don’t use the standard pages that OJS offers you anymore. I always try to avoid creating new pages.
If you want to use the standard submission page, the only way to get rid of this box is using CSS at the moment. Add the following line to your custom CSS an upload it via Settings → Website → Appearance: Journal style sheet
.page.page_submissions .cmp_notification {display:none!important;}
This will hide the box on the submission page.
I think, it would be much better, if the system wouldn’t display this box at all, when user-registration is deactivated. I have made a “feature request” at Do not show "login or register" box on submission page, when user registration is deactivated
Thanks for all that. We did finally decide to leave it there for now to avoid too much confusion, and just deactivated notifications to the editor. Their technical person will receive those notifications from now and and forward them where necessary. But all the info provided above will be helpful for other similar situations.