How can Journal Manager(JM) manage author member more than one journal? [3.1.0]

This user is author, your member more than one journal.

I can not delete or add role for this user.

I think the Journal Manager can modify the user’s roles because each user will have a different roles in each journal.

thank you.

Hi @OhnO395

To manage authors in same OJS install but different journals you need a user with granting privilegies to all journals.

I think you can look further about it in this link about User Roles in OJS3:

Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @israel.cefrin

Let me give some example, User John and Jame are Journal Editor and Copyeditor of Journal A.
John register author role in Journal B.
JM of Journal A would like to remove the Journal Editor role, then tried to edit role of John to be Copyeditor only.
OJS shows the message “image”.
What i can do with this situation?

Hi @OhnO395

It looks like user A has not admin role granted in all contexts where user B is.
I would recommend site admin user(superuser) adjust it then verify all different contexts those users are enrolled to doublecheck where is this enrolling conflict .

Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team

thank you very much.
