How can I generate and download backup of my OJS in ojs 3.x

Hi there!

I was wondering whether it is possible to download the backups of my ojs files and database. There is a plugin already installed under the name “Backup” but I could not find any option to perform this task. Though, in older versions of ojs (2.x) I was able to download the same. May be I am missing something here in OJS 3.x. So please guide accordingly so that I may perform the backups with convenience. Currently I am facing difficulty in maintaining the backups.


Hi there @Farhan_Abbas

We are running 3.3.0-14 here … not sure if this plugin is already ported to 3.4.0-4
But basically you should activate the plugin and then download the backup from Website → Plugins → Backup Plugin → Download Backup

For this to work you’ll need to set up some paths to system aplications in your correctly … basically the path to the ‘tar’ executable and the path and parameters for the mysqldump command to be able to make a dump of the database.

Hope that helps

Thanks for your reply. For some weird reason, My ojs installation says that the plugin is intalled but I am unable to see it in the list of installed plugins… I have uploaded this plugin in generic plugins folder. Please do let me know whether the correct location of this plugin is under generic? And my ojs version is 3.2.x.

This screenshot is from our other journal which is using OJS version 3.3.x. Backup plugin shows as “Up to date” in Plugin Gallery section but I do not see it under the list of installed plugins.

Same is the case with our main Journal:

Please do let me know If I am missing something here or I need to make additional changes to config file for this plugin to be visible and work.

Hi there again @Farhan_Abbas

For us here, the plugin appears under the Generic Plugins section. I don’t remember installing it manually, but if we did, it was directly from the plugin gallery.

One question … are you using English as your OJS language? … Maybe you are searching for “Backup plugin” in the list of installed plugins but it’s name is being translated to your OJS language … for me it appears as “Módulo de copia de seguridad” because my system is in spanish

Hi all,

The backup plugin is a “site-wide” plugin; this means that in order to use it, you’ll have to be logged in with an Administrator account (an Editor or Journal Manager account won’t be enough). If you’re running a multi-journal OJS installation, you may also have to look in the site-wide Administration area for this plugin. (If you’re running a single journal installation the distinction is collapsed.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Yes my language is English.

I am the administrator of the journal. I mean I am logged in as the journal administrator but I still do not see the option to get backup of my ojs. Am I missing something like some configurations?