How can I change the "editorialContactName"?

Dear all,
I would like to know how I can change the Names and Email-Adresses which Emails are sent to using the review process.
Right now, each Email is sent automatically to 3 Email-Adresses, and a wrong Name is in the first line of each Email (filling the brackets {$editorialContactName}: )
Do you have a hint for me?
Sorry for the trivial question…

Hi @kopi,

Typically the editorialContactName is set by looking at the submission’s assigned editors, but if none is added, then OJS falls back on the contact identified in Journal Setup, step 1.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

I have upgraded OJS from 2.4 to 3.0 and currently running 3.1.1. In the emails that I receive for “Able to review”, the addressed to name is displaying as {$editorialContactName}. Based on your reply above, I understand that it should be the contact name given during the set up or the editor assigned. I don’t remember whether I have given the name during the set up or not. But now, all articles are assigned to me, the Editor-in-Chief. Any solution to this? Thanks.

Hi @Editor_JBPT,

The details will depend on the email template. In this case you’re talking about REVIEW_CONFIRM (and the same applies to REVIEW_DECLINE). These no longer address the editor by name, as there may be several assigned editors; instead they address “Editors”. See emailTemplates.xml for the default wording. (This should’ve been corrected during upgrade for English, German, Greek, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

Thanks for the reply. It seems that this error has not been corrected during the upgrade in our OJS. I checked the link given emailTemplates.xml. But, I could not figure out which term to be replaced where. Can you kindly inform me step by step how to rectify this problem? Sorry for the trouble. Thanks.

Hi @Editor_JBPT,

No need to do anything with that XML file – just use the “Prepared Emails” tool in your journal setup to adjust your wording so that it doesn’t include {$editorialContactName} for the REVIEW_CONFIRM and REVIEW_DECLINE templates.

I’m not sure whether why this wouldn’t have happened during upgrade, but as long as you’re sure the upgrade completed successfully (you should see a confirmation message at the end of the process), you shouldn’t encounter other problems.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Just a heads up for anyone else looking at $editorialContactName . It seems that $editorialContactName will also not work with the REVISED_VERSION_NOTIFY email in OJS 3.1.1-4 .

It sounds from the above as if @editorialContactName has been phased out, because maybe there are multiple editors. Is this correct? Or it’s allowed in some emails, but not others?

Okay, {$editorialContactName} isn’t working for me either so I want to remove it.

Is there a file that can be edited to quickly removed that from all emails? If so, what is the file name and in what directory is it located?

I’m using OJS 3.2.0-3.

Hi @SilverBoot,

Once the journal is created, the email templates are stored in the database; you can edit them using the “Prepared Emails” area of Setup.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Okay, thanks for the tip.
The only place that made sense was ojs>loacale>en_US>emails.po, but that wasn’t working. I’ll change the emails on the settings page (log into ojs, go to profile>settings>workflow>emails>email templates for anyone looking for the page).

Hi @SilverBoot,

The email templates are installed into the database from the .po file when the journal is created, but after that, you’ll need to change them in the database (either manually or using the Settings > Workflow > Emails > Email templates tool, as you’ve found).

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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