For OJS articles, in editor/viewMetadata/[ArticleID], it is possible to set Omit author names from issue table of contents.
I’m using this for a retro-digitized journal with Editorials, which have no real author. A dummy author is assigned to them, but readers can unfortunately see it in article/view/[articleID], in the citation functions and on the OAI interface.
As authorless articles are not too uncommon in retrodigitized journals, I am wondering whether anyone has considered or implemented a workaround for this. Thanks!
We’ll come up with a better solution for this in OJS 3.x, but in the meantime, the best approach is to use a placeholder author record referring e.g. to the journal editors.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks @asmecher. Hope you don’t mind me asking further, but could you be a bit more precise about what is planned for hiding author names? Will there be a switch on article level to completely hide author names on all interfaces or will the author fields become optional, maybe?
As a larger academic library using OJS, we are following this with great interest… Thanks!
I don’t have concrete plans for permitting authorless articles, but we’ve already taken some of the preliminary steps that are necessary for this – changing the way user accounts are connected to submissions, for example, to permit multiple authors to access the workflow. At this point we’re unlikely to make substantive changes in the OJS 2.4.x line, because that will require implementing the changes again for 3.0, which doubles our development effort. So we’re focusing on getting OJS 3.0 ready for release as soon as possible, and will be scheduling some of the long-running feature requests (such as this one) after 3.0 is out.
For OJS 3.0, I think authorless article support will be mostly a matter of testing, and very little coding.
If you’re interested in seeing progress so far, by the way, a quick way to check it out is to use Vagrant:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Have you tried editing section settings. There should be an option there for hiding author names for articles in specific section (but I have a feeling I have seen a topic somewhere of this not working in OJS3?)
Other option is to edit the article template file and the article details template files and remove the author related info from there. Of course this would only deal with the front end visibility and not with things like OAI-PMH or other endpoints like DOAJ exports etc.