I would like the user being able to see the articles of a journal, but not necessarily all galleys attached to an article. Is there a way to manage which galleys are visible and accessable to everyone?
So far I know the workaround to put certain articles in an unpublished issue, but this would hide to whole article.
You’d need to modify OJS to accomplish that. Can you describe what your goal is? It might be that another approach is already available within OJS. Also, what version of OJS are you using? Please include that information with your posts.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The goal is to have a complete table of contents of an issue online available but still being able to make certain pdfs of single entries public - e.g. since the copyright of images are not cleared yet. I would like to be able in the MetaData of the article to say this galley is public or this is not public yet - but still having the article (and its abstract) availble so the user sees that the article is part of the issue.
As far as I can see, I can only select whether a whole article is public or not. If not public, it will be omitted in the table of contents of the issue.
Are you publishing open access? If so, then one option might be to use the subscription tools to control access. You won’t be able to control which galleys of a single article are available in detail, but you’ll be able to control which articles have their galleys available (=open access) vs. not available (=subscription).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
from our experience it might be a useful function to manage access rights per galley.
Our scenario is a bit different from what @lcbossert describes, but it happens regularly: All articles in a section are published with abstract pdfs right from the start, but their full text is only available after two years. We can’t use the built-in access control for that, as it would hide the abstract pdfs as well. Since the journal insists that abstracts be published as PDF (a tradition that started with the old digitized issues), we have to upload the full text pdf manually after two years.
It looks like you’re using OJS 2.4.x – there’s a special option for closing access to PDFs only. Check in the Payment settings area for a checkbox labeled “Only Restrict Access to PDF version of issues and articles”.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
thank you for the needed information. We are publishing open access but we can not publish all articles yet until the copyright status has been cleared.
So the way you showed works with us. One tiny thing remains: so far when I set an article-access “default” this would mean it is only visible to subscribers. is there a way to change “default” so it is open and, let’s say “restricted” for only subscribers?
thanks, but what we are looking for is a way to allow access to certain PDFs only for logged-in users (subscribers or staff).
So per article, we have
three or so PDFs containing an abstract (cut out from the fulltext pdf, for historical reasons - they publish abstracts at the back of the printed/PDF edition) → free for everyone
one full-text PDF with the actual article → logged-in users only
I haven’t found a way to do this using the options available, because access settings seemed to work on a per article or per issue basis, but what we need is per galley.
yes, thank you. I am able now to do what I wanted to do via the subscription. However it is some kind of an abuse of the subscription it works. thanks for pointing out the option.
as @ojsbsb says, I think this is an issue more people might be interested in. Will this be possible in OJS3?
I’ll soon start implementing subscription/access controls for OJS3 – I think it makes sense to include options for granular control on the galley level rather than the article level, though I haven’t started working on this yet and don’t want to overpromise
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher ,
thank you for thinking that over and including this into OJS3. Since we are not in a hurry for that feature I am happy that it will be available some day and we dont need to abuse the subscription-module. (maybe we will really need that some other day).
Hi @asmecher, et. al., has anything developed on this front? We use galleys for iterative page proofs during proofreading, and thus have multiple galleys for each individual contribution. (1st pages, 2nd pages, etc.). We keep them all for workflow tracking purposes. We have an internal naming convention for these galleys for our reference, and as we have been using OJS primarily for editorial workflow management (our issue and article data is piped to WordPress for final publication), this hasn’t been an issue (in retrospect, that was a terrible pun…). However, we would like to start preparing to use OJS as a back-up interface for our publication, and would thus like to publicly display only the final approved galley (and not the 1st, 2nd, etc. page proofs). Is there yet a way to hide certain galleys from public display?