Hello, I’m here again hopefully do not abuse me. I would like to ask for help on a problem I’m trying to work some time in the OJS system is to download the papers, as well as the OJS’m trying to make a change in the OCS so it can be downloaded Articles, what I’m asking is how to find the path where the files are stored in the bank, so it can be downloaded.
You don’t need to know the actual path. You can use the ArticleHandler.inc.php, under pages/article folder, and the operation download, passing two parameters: article id and galley id (the file id).
You can check how templates/article/interstitial.tpl builds the URL to download a file. Basically, in a template file, you would need this:
{url page="article" op="download" path=$articleId|to_array:$galley->getBestGalleyId($currentJournal)}
Hope that helps.
Good afternoon, that would be in OJS or OCS? because there is no ArticleHandler.inc.php but the PaperHandler.inc.php file, would that I should change?