This is an urgent help needed because our server will upgrade to php 7.2 and 7.1 this weekend.
Therefore, we must also upgrade ojs installation to ojs-3.1.2 from ojs-2.4.8-4
we did exactly the following:
Configure php 5.6 to PHP 7.0 (Single php.ini) and save changes
Decompress ojs-3.1.2
Copy to new directory
go to installation page Click upgrade link
no action just white screen
Directory permissions are 755
Can we do it by our self or needed professional help?
driver = mysqli
host = localhost
username = ojs
password = ojs
name = ojs
; Set the non-standard port and/or socket, if used
; port = 3306
; unix_socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
; Enable persistent connections
persistent = Off
; Enable database debug output (very verbose!)
debug = Off
This looks like the default version of You should have a customized version of this with your actual database name and database user and database password in Be sure not to share your real database password in the forum.
You’ll want to find the actual error message from your PHP error log. Check with your system administrator or hosting provider regarding the location within your system.