Dear All Master,
I have a new question.
I use OJS 3.1, I very like using process submission but I want new one tab in Main Panel Sub-Menus to use more function. I search many in form OJS but do not look a topic in need. I hope receive feedback help of All Master.
Thank you very much!
Nhut Hua
Hello @nhuthua
If I’m understanding your question correctly, you may be wanting to change the navigation menus. If so, please see the directions in our documentation here: Website Settings
Hi Master,
I happy when receive feedback form Master. I want new one tab in Main Panel Sub-Menus to use more function. I hope receive feedback help of Master.
Thank you very much!
Nhut Hua
Hi @nhuthua
Adding a new submenu to the workflow in this manner would involve customizing the core OJS code, which, while possible, would not be recommended.
Hi Master,
I do search many documents but It’s not found. Can the experts ask for documents?
Thank you very much!
Nhut Hua