Hi! We have the problems with HTML galley view on mobile device - not able to scroll and read the article.
We also do not know why we see this additional content on the front page http://journal.asu.ru/biol
though the Additional Content field is empty?
Hi @ActaBiologica,
Thanks for reporting!
Can you apply this patch and confirm that the problem is resolved so I can add the fix to other themes as well?
Regarding additional content on the index page, I don’t see any, can you make a screenshot of it? Or maybe it’s just in a cache, so you can try to clear it though the administration menu.
Thanks @Vitaliy!
We will apply this patch and will inform you about the results asap.
Dear @Vitaliy
We applied the patch and now it can be scrolled and viewed in “reader mode”. Are there desirable results?
Thanks! Sounds like the bug is fixed.