I have no knowledge of Rosetta. But I have created a new oaiMetadataFormat plugin for our national library which matches the Marc format details they are using. It enables them to harvest our articles in the exact format they need. I do not know exactly what they use for harvesting.
Because I needed Marc, I started with the original Marc plugin, copied and renamed it to create a new plugin and started modifying that. Note that some of the plugins there are not working at the moment.
Is there a special reason why OJS does not state the file name extension?
For now, we will have to solve this on a case-by-case-basis, especially as the journals in question are still running OJS 2.x - but including the file name and extension in the download url could be an idea for future versions of OJS.
There’s no particular reason we’re not including suffixes on URLs, but nor is there any particular reason to do so, I don’t think – my sense is that we’re complying with the OAI spec and Rosetta seems to have a few requirements that go beyond the specification.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team