Got message error when submitting an article in OJS 3.2.1-1

Hello all

I got a new problem when submitting an article in the submission step when I clicked finish submission then came up pink bar warning with white text “there was a problem sending an email message. Please try again later, or contact your system administrator” in OJS 3.2.1-1, I was upgrading from OJS 3.1, and no problem in the previous version.

Is there someone who has the same problem and solved?


here are the images in sequence
01 finish submission

02 finish submission

03 finish submission

the article was succeeded to upload, only can not send the notification email


Hi @an1mage_studio,

Check your email delivery options in

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I am going to a fresh install, let see if it solved the problem

a fresh installed can not solve the problem also. But good news looks like it’s been fixed by my hosting service side, I don’t know how, my new fresh installed worked also my upgrading OJS 3 also worked, deleting my fresh installed, and continue using my upgrading OJS 3 site, thanks for your time @asmecher

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@asmecher When I asked how the " Got message error when submitting an article is solved, they said, exactly setup the

for google smtp:

; Use SMTP for sending mail instead of mail()
smtp = On

; SMTP server settings
smtp_server =
smtp_port = 465

; Enable SMTP authentication
smtp_auth = ssl
smtp_username = ""
smtp_password = "password"

for your own hosting service:


; Use SMTP for sending mail instead of mail()
; smtp = On

; SMTP server settings
; smtp_server =
; smtp_port = 587 (or 465 depending on your hosting service, check this in Hpanel/Cpanel in email, email accounts section in email details, find in Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server area, check hostname and port)

; Enable SMTP authentication
; Supported mechanisms: ssl, tls
; smtp_auth = tls (or ssl depend on your hosting service, check this in Hpanel/Cpanel in email, email accounts section in email details, find in Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server area, check hostname and port))
; smtp_username = “”
; smtp_password = “youremailpassword”

for password and username make sure using “…”, then turn “Manage DKIM service” on in Hpanel or Cpanel, in the Mail Service Control section, click update, it worked for me, solved, hopefully, it will solve others with the same problem.


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Hi, @asmecher!

I have the same problem by the sending an article.
But all other messages are sending correctly.
What is the difference between these cases ?