I am looking for the repository that includes the latest version of the Google Scholar module that is compatible for the OJS 3.1 version
I am looking for the repository that includes the latest version of the Google Scholar module that is compatible for the OJS 3.1 version
Hello @gardbeat,
This is the repository (please note that it encourages not to install the plugin manually). I’m not sure about the compatibility with 3.1 - I’m looking into this and will follow-up.
PKP Staff
Hi @rcgillis,
No link appears.
Hi @gardbeat
Sorry, I missed including that: GitHub - pkp/googleScholar: Exposes OJS and OPS metadata to Google Scholar for harvesting.. And I checked: the Google Scholar plugin is included as part of the 3.1.2 OJS release, so it should work.
Thanks for the url contribution. I’ll start investigating. Very friendly as always @rcgillis