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We have four journals out of 35 not indexed in GS, although they meet the indexing criteria.
I put in myself in contact with Google. The reply mentions that the journals have two “citation_pdf_url” in some articles.
Even though it is said that they not necessarily prevent an article/journal from being indexed, it could cause indexing problems in GS.
The suggested procedure was to remove the duplicate tag which is not pointing to the PDF in the original language of the fulltext.
As an editor, my doubt is how to do it when in case of journals which publishes articles in two or more languages, all of them with all metadada translated as well?
By the way, we use OJS
Thank you for you help.
Hello @CarlosHJ,
We give some guidance for multilingual aspects of GS indexing here:
One thing I should note is that if you’re using version 3.1 this may be impacting this as well, as 3.1 is no longer supported. I highly recommend that you upgrade to a more recent version of OJS.
PKP Team
Thank you, @rcgillis
We are aware of the guidance, but you’re right: since our OJS is outdated, problems are piling up.