Geolocation Database country data usage stats

Since the Geolocation database is not available, please check here:
Is there an other way to enable country data for usage stats plugin.

Hi @Dimitris_Sioulas,

What version of OMP are you using?

PKP Team

hi @rcgillis, version

Hi @Dimitris_Sioulas

Unfortunately there is currently no other way, but we are working on it, to find a solution for the problem/requirement. (We will probably support the MaxMind GeoIP data (for which a user would need to register and download the data, either paid or free), but also try to provide only country data on our own. – It is not easy to obtain the geo data… the services are usually not for free any more… additionally we have to consider the privacy issues…).
I will get back to you as soon as we find, discussed and agreed on a solution…


Hi @Dimitris_Sioulas, you can follow this issue about the Geolocation plans/decisions for the future release (probably 3.4)…

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