I’m in the process of moving our journal up to version 3 from 2.4.8. I would like to keep the database trimmed down prior to the update. Is there any need to keep the database tables like “notifications_old” “notification_settings_old” around? This is a really vanilla, no plugins added site, that I’d like to keep as lean as possible.
Also, would anyone mind letting me know how much storage their journal is running on? I’d like to make a production server recommendation but would like to know what others are using. We are currently hosting 2 journals on a 2 core system with 80gig storage.
Those tables are created and should be automatically removed as part of the upgrade process. I’m not sure why they would still be kicking around, but yes, you can remove them.
The OJS database will stay relatively small compared to the files directory, and the size of that will depend heavily on what kind of submission workflow you use – what kinds of files are submitted, how much imagery is in them, what formats you publish in, etc. The contents of that directory will be the determining factor in your storage needs.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
That’s where I’m getting a little confused. The database was 1.3Gb compared to the 40Gb file folders. At the point the database is taking up 32Gb compared to the 43Gb file folders. That amount of growth in 7 months seems astronomical.
The database should not be taking gigabytes unless you have a very unusual amount of content. If it grows again, I’d suggest reviewing your table row counts for something unusual.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team