The Journal Team is asking for a way to show a list of the articles that are going to be publish in the future editions.
The list should include the article tittle and authors.
The list should be visible for anyone that visits the journal, and should be accesable by the navigation bar.
How can i do this?
Hi @mmellaa,
Is it just the article title and authors, or did you want more than that? Right now the only way to publish that information is manually, via OJS’ Static Pages plugin (where you’d have to input that content manually, and then add the static page to the navigation bar). But we’re working on a theme for OJS 3 that will display this content as well, if requested, and will release that as open source in time.
Just title and authors. cause this articles are not yet published, we can only show that info
Any time this theme will be implemented?
Very simple method what i use. Steps:
- Publish one more issue as In Press. Put all the new articles with abstract in that issue. Since you have published this as latest, it will become your current version.
- Unpublished the current (the latest version and not in press) and re-publish it. Now it will show as your current version.
- In press should be identified with only title and not Issue or Volume numbers.
Not a rocket science but very effective