Dear Team ,
is there a way to give fulltext pdf access to authors to their own articles in subscription access journal?
Dear Team ,
is there a way to give fulltext pdf access to authors to their own articles in subscription access journal?
Hi @suresh_patil,
It is possible to open access to a particular article in a subscription access journal, but this would be for all readers and can’t be controlled at a user level. Your other options for giving an author access to a PDF copy of the article would be to email the final article copy to the author or, in OJS 3.x, the editors could start a discussion in the Production stage, add the author as a Participant to the discussion, and attach the final article file to the discussion. The article would then be available to the author for download within OJS.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for your reply!!
Ideally author should have access to his article(fulltext). is there any plan to consider this requirement in the next releases? or any suggestion to solve this at code level will be highly appreciated.
I agree this would be a nice feature. In general we consider adding new features based on significant demand and/or benefit to the user community. There is not a current plan to include this feature in a future release but it could be added if more people request it. In the meantime it might best be accommodated by a local customization or plugin that you implement yourselves. If any other users have attempted this customization, I hope they will offer comments.
The author also could download the finalized version of the article from the galley’s grid.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
An update… The feature request has been filed: Add galleys grid to author's production stage · Issue #2862 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Thanks a lot Amanda Stevens…!!