I have a question about the Forthcoming articles plugin for OJS 3.2.1
Basically, I’d like to know if the plug-in removes the need to assign articles to an issue prior to publication.
The reason I ask, is that I’d like to know if the plug-in would help an OJS journal to meet the criteria for inclusion in the Early Access content for the Web of Science Core Collection.
Inclusion depends on meeting specific criteria. Early access content must:
- Be the version of record that will not change, aside from the final assignment in a volume/issue
- Include a DOI that will not change
- Include an Early Access publication date
- Include the cited references if present in the version of record
- Not include volume, issue, page range, final publication date
- Be published in a journal with a volume/issue model
More information is available here:
Web of Science Core Collection: Early Access articles (clarivate.com)
I know that there is also an ‘Online First’ plug-in available for a fee, but based on the example in their video, the workflow still seems to include assigning articles to an issue, which conflicts with one of the above criteria. I’d be interested to know if either plug-in can accommodate a workflow that postpones this step.
I apologize if I have overlooked a place where this question has already been answered, I’d be very grateful for any redirection and/or advice.