We are using OJS for our journal past 3 years. But the foreign users couldn’t register/login to our website for the past 6 months. Can you suggest me how to fix this problem. Also, we have no idea if we upgrade whether our past issues will get deleted.
Although our institution has installed the upgraded version of OJS in new server as the foreign users couldn’t use the old one. Using the new website is best option. But, I don’t know how to integrate both websites.
What happens when foreing user attempt register/login in your journal? What message is shown?
Did you check your php error log ? Mos likely these attemptings should be show some error message.
When you upgrade OJS they will process an file / database update and it is designed to keep previous issues/articles. But, just for safety, make a backup of system files and database before any upgrade attempt.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team